Red Cards (ILRC)

The Red Cards are a tool you can use in the event of an encounter with ICE or Border Patrol. You can order them for free if you are a non-profit or public defender. Businesses and Private attorneys can order them for a fee. Anyone can print them for free. 

Print or order here (Available in 16 languages)

Read uSpark’s FresKNOW Your Rights: Red Cards article

Immigration Preparedness Toolkit (ILRC)

“This toolkit outlines concrete steps you and your family members can take to protect yourself, provides a guide to seeking legal advice, and describes different immigration options available. Each section below was included to help you create a strategy and build a protection plan”

View online or print

uSpark’s FresKNOW Your Rights: Immigration Preparedness Toolkit article (in progress)

Family Preparedness Plan (ILRC)

Briefly covered in the Immigration preparedness toolkit, this plan is categorized into four sections to help break down how to be prepared in the event of an ICE or BP confrontation or detainment. The four sections are: 

  1. Haga un plan de cuidado infantil / Make a childcare plan
  2. Conozca sus opciones de inmagracion / Find out about your immigration options
  3. Conozca sus derechos / Know Your Rights
  4. Recursos adicionales / Addendums (FAQ and important documents mentioned in toolkit)

View toolkit online or print in Espanol/ EnglishuSpark’s FresKNOW Your Rights: Family Preparedness Plan Article (in progress)

I.C.E Not Welcome! (ACLU)

We are NOT opening doors, we ARE asking for warrants, we are NOT answering questions. This resource details what I.C.E. might do or say to convince you to open your door and what you can do if they come knocking. They also provide printable door hangers, handbooks, posters, and coloring pages.