FresKNOW Your Rights
A Resource Guide
This guide was created to centralize relevant information and resources for our migrant Community. Location based resources are primarily in Fresno however, we are quickly expanding this list to include cities and towns throughout the Central Valley.
Esta guía fue creada para centralizar información y recursos relevantes para nuestra comunidad migrante. Estamos ampliando rápidamente esta lista para incluir ciudades y pueblos en todo el Valle Central.
Recall Local Officials
Both the California Secretary of State and the Fresno County Clerk/Registrar of Voters provide PDF documents about the recall process. Disclaimer: These documents are not legal counsel and it's up to individuals to stay up-to-date with current information.
California Secretary of State - Recall
Fresno City Council
Fresno City Council meetings take place at Fresno City Hall. Address: 2600 Fresno St, Fresno, CA 93721
The City Council follows a specific agenda. Agenda’s are public and can be found on the City of Fresno’s website. Agenda’s must be posted at least 72 hours before the council meeting per the Brown Act.
Link to agenda and council calendar here.
You have several options to attend a Fresno City Council meeting. We recommend that you do what works best for you. You can attend in person, Zoom, or watch live on Community Media Access Collaborative (CMAC) streaming platform. If attending in person you can go to the Council Chamber on the 2nd floor of Fresno City Hall. You will have to enter through the first floor and through security. From the first floor you will take the elevator to the 2nd floor and the council chamber will be to your right. It’s hard to miss.
Watch live or re-watch council meetings on CMAC here.
In Person: If you are attending in person and want to give public comment you will need to fill out a speaker card inside the Council Chamber or approach the speaker podium during the call for public comment. You will only have 3 minutes to speak, no exception. You can not give your time to someone else. Speaking in front of the city council can be scary but you will do just fine. Take a deep breath and take your time. If it helps, write a few notes that you can read out loud. As a resident of Fresno, its your right to address your city council.
Via Zoom: You can also attend a Fresno City Council meeting via Zoom. You will have to RSVP in advance to participate. Once you RSVP, you will receive a confirmation email containing additional details about joining the meeting. To give a public comment you will have to “Raise Hand” on the Zoom platform and be asked to unmute when your name is called in order to speak. You won’t be shown on screen or have the ability to share your screen.
Link to RSVP for Zoom meetings here.
Submitting A Comment: You also have the option to submit a comment via eComment or by emailing the Clerk’s office.
1) eComment: You can submit a comment for a specific agenda which will be part of the official city record. eComments must be submitted 24 hrs prior to the council meeting.
2) Email: You can email the Clerk’s office at clerk@fresno.gov
Its important that the emails include the agenda date, and agenda item number you are commenting on.
To find out when Fresno City Council meetings are taking place you can check out our calendar on our website. We try our best to update this calendar every month. Calendar has FUSD board meetings, Board of Supervisors meetings, and Fresno City Council meetings. We also include specific calls to actions on the calendar via link in bio. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member.